Meet President Fenves

Two Minute Q&A with the President

President Fenves has dedicated his entire career to higher education. A lifelong learner, his interests run the gamut, from innovations in science and technology to fine art, music, travel, and especially, great novels. Here he discusses some of the things that inspire him at Emory, his unexpected journey as a university president, and a few of his favorite books and musicians.

Watch the interview
still from President Fenves' interview video

A Podcast about Big Ideas

In his podcast series, President Fenves asks Emory experts big questions about society, the challenges we face, and the bold solutions they’ve discovered. His guests are all part of the Emory orbit—scientists, authors, artists, researchers, reporters, and students who will inspire you. 

Listen to One Big Question
one big question graphic in blues with president fenves with headphones at microphone

Learn More about President Fenves

President Fenves joined Emory in 2020, drawn by the university’s mission to create, preserve, teach, and apply knowledge in the service of humanity. 

During his time in leadership, he has introduced goals and initiatives to elevate Emory as a destination for talented students, faculty, and staff; a powerhouse for scholarship and research; a national leader in health discovery and care; and a trusted partner in the city of Atlanta. 

Read His Bio
president fenves gives a speech from a podium with a bright blue background