2020 Election Update

Dear Emory community,
As you know, election night has come and gone, and the results of the U.S. presidential election and some congressional races have not yet been decided. Given the circumstances surrounding this election season, and as many predicted, vote counting continues across a number of states, including Georgia. I urge us to be patient as each vote is counted. The foundation of our democracy is based on free and fair elections, where we the people are empowered to choose our elected leaders, and that process is still taking place.
As we await the results, it’s important to recognize that the democratic process has flourished in 2020. Record numbers of voters turned out here in Georgia and across America to cast their ballots. Emory students, faculty and staff played a major role in civic engagement at our university and I couldn’t be prouder. It’s deeply inspiring to see the ways that you shared your voices and got the word out, even when meeting in person was all but impossible.
I encourage everyone to stay engaged and participate in the post-election programs organized by the campus community, which can be found at the Emory Votes Initiative. And if you are in need of assistance during this time, we have resources available through the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), the Faculty Staff Assistance Program (FSAP), the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life and other programs.
Thank you all for putting your hearts and minds into your civic engagement throughout this election cycle. You have built on Emory’s remarkable history of leadership. We will get through this uncertain time together.
Gregory L. Fenves