Restoring Salaries to Original Levels: January 1, 2021

Dear Emory faculty and staff,
I am deeply proud of the resolve and resilience you have shown as we’ve navigated the COVID-19 pandemic at Emory University. You’ve helped us further our education, research, and health care missions while rising to meet, and overcome, challenges and hardships that are without precedent in recent history.
As many of you know, in July, members of the President’s Leadership Team and deans had their salaries reduced by 15% per month. In September, employees with an annual salary of $75,000 or more experienced a 5% salary reduction. The eligible savings for COVID-related expenses across the university as a result of these salary reductions is anticipated to total $5.5 million. I am grateful for your understanding and commitment, which made these cost reductions possible.
I am very pleased to announce that, because these salary reductions have reached the budgeted savings targets for this fiscal year, all salaries that were reduced will be restored to their original levels, effective January 1, 2021.
Even though we are returning to the original salary levels on January 1, the university’s overall financial outlook is still very serious. We have additional operational expenses and revenue shortfalls as a result of the pandemic, which we expect to carry on into the 2021-22 academic year. I strongly urge you to be mindful of the budgetary constraints we continue to face and remain fiscally prudent about expenditures in your schools, departments, and units.
I want you to know how much I appreciate your hard work through the challenges of 2020. Although my time at Emory has been brief, I am impressed by your accomplishments and can see how truly special this community is. We will get through this difficult time together. Our future is bright.
Gregory L. Fenves