A Message from Emory's President and President-elect

President Claire E. Sterk (left) and President-elect Gregory L. Fenves
Dear members of the Emory community,
Thank you for your engagement and the heartfelt ideas you’ve shared for action over the past few days as our nation and the Emory community confront and address hatred, intolerance, violence and discrimination in our society. This historic moment is very painful, but it also demands that we get involved and seize this opportunity to provide leadership at all levels.
Since we announced that Greg would start as Emory’s next president on August 1, the two of us have been working together to facilitate a smooth leadership transition. Later today, Greg will share his experiences and perspectives, discussing how they shape his views on racial equality and social justice.
We are both united in our commitment to positioning Emory to thrive, not only for the months ahead as the academic year begins in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also for our future. We have been working closely with senior Emory leaders to finalize strategies for the fall semester, and next week we will announce our plans for classes, research and operations.
There are many unknowns right now, but one thing is certain: Emory will emerge from this challenging time stronger, firmly anchored in our strengths and better positioned to contribute to our changing world. We have the opportunity, in the coming months, to create something new from this moment — to imagine and implement innovative models of working, living and caring for one another, all while furthering justice within our community and beyond.
We have been grateful for, and inspired by, the many ways our faculty, staff and students have continued to lead and support our academic community throughout these difficult months and especially during the past week.
Thank you for the warmth and kindness you have extended to us both during this transition. Most of all, we can’t wait for the day when we can thank you in person.
Until then, and with gratitude,
Claire E. Sterk
Gregory L. Fenves