Campus Update

Dear Emory Community,

On Friday and again yesterday, hundreds of students and faculty assembled peacefully on our Atlanta campus for student-led protests. Our open expression team worked closely with the student organizers of the events to facilitate their peaceful expression, and that partnership worked as it is supposed to.

That changed last night.

Late in the evening, as students and faculty were assembled on the Quad, several individuals rapidly approached Convocation Hall and spray-painted hateful messages on the building’s exterior walls. Several other structures were also vandalized. These individuals brazenly disrupted what had been a peaceful protest. Many on the Quad, including those participating in the protest, condemned the action as the work of individuals from outside our community. Last night’s incidents follow similar vandalism that occurred on the Quad last Monday. The Emory Police Department is coordinating with other law enforcement agencies to investigate these crimes.

With the events of this week, it has become clear: Emory is navigating a divide between individuals who wish to express themselves peacefully and those who seek to use our campus as a platform to promote discord. Incidents like this—perpetrated by those who aim to disrupt and divide us—must be rejected and condemned at Emory.

This is a distinctly emotional and challenging time. We continue to gather the facts so that we can update you on the steps we are taking to address this week’s events. As we engage in important conversations about how we move forward, we must not allow hatred to overwhelm the many peaceful and thoughtful voices at Emory.

I am dedicated to keeping this campus safe as community members finish classes, continue their research, sit for exams, and prepare for Commencement.


Gregory L. Fenves