Navigating Uncertainty

roofline of white stone building with Emory University logo shield

Dear Emory Community, 

In recent weeks there have been many directives, policy changes, and legislative proposals from the federal government that have serious implications for Emory. I have been collaborating closely with deans and university leadership to evaluate scenarios regarding these changes. While there is still tremendous uncertainty, we must stay true to the values that define our university while upholding the law.

The education, research, and patient care undertaken at Emory are as essential as they have ever been, and our commitment to academic freedom—the bedrock of teaching and discovery—is unwavering. Equally steadfast is our dedication to fostering a vibrant and inclusive campus environment that provides opportunities to talented individuals of diverse backgrounds and perspectives. This commitment is integral to our mission, and it is core to who we are as a university community. We will continue to make the case for inclusivity and the many ways it supports excellence at Emory.

With potential changes in university funding looming, Emory must take prudent measures to prepare for what may be a significant disruption to our finances. In addition to the ongoing impacts to research, we are tracking proposed regulations and legislation that could significantly affect other revenue sources, including a possible increase in the federal tax on university endowments. To reduce expenditures and create financial capacity, the university is immediately implementing the following steps:

  • A hiring freeze for staff positions
  • Limitations on faculty hiring
  • A freeze on compensation adjustments
  • Significant reductions in operating expenditures

Emory’s academic deans and unit leaders will soon share additional details about these measures, including how each step will be implemented and, where relevant, the exception processes related to hiring and compensation.

Many in our community have reached out to me personally to express their concerns and to ask what they can do to help during this uncertain time. First and foremost, please continue to take care of yourselves and each other. Show compassion. Recognize that each person at Emory is experiencing these changes differently and that grace and understanding are a responsibility we share. Above all, know that your work here is vitally important. You teach, you heal, you learn, you guide, you discover, and you innovate—all in service to humanity.


Gregory L. Fenves